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如何解決Microsoft Outlook行事曆中.檢視(Views)排列方式(Arrangement)自動轉換問題

01. 同事提到,在Outlook行事曆中,原來『View』設置是『Day』,但打開多幾個行事曆後,卻自動將跳為『Schedule View』。

02. 在Outlook主畫面按『ALT+F』,再選擇『Option』。左邊選『Calendar』,右邊尋找『Display Options』選項。

03. 在『Automatically switch from vertical layout to schedule view when the number of displayed calendars is greater than or equal to:』及『Automatically switch from schedule view to vertical layout when the number of displayed calendars is fewer than or equal to:』作出設定,或直接停用相關設置。


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